Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lavender at Purple Ranch

I just love spring. Some of the lavender plants at Purple Ranch are blooming. The plants are tiny but they are supporting a lot of blooms. We are just amazed and wanted to share the first lavender blooms of spring with you.

Lavender. Don't leave home without it!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Joseph's Coat Rose At Purple Ranch Lavender Farm

Roses at Purple Ranch

Purple Ranch Floral Bouquet

As you can see our Purple Ranch Mom (June) truly has a green thumb. Mom is able to grow any type of plant from a cutting, clipping or seed. Here are several examples of the beautiful flowers growing at Purple Ranch. Not only do we grow lavender, but many other varieties of wildflowers, roses, irises, Indian paintbrush, bluebonnets to name a few.

Purple Ranch Hand (that would be Cliff, my brother) has an awesome camera and he has taken some incredible photos that I would like to share with you.

I hope you enjoy these as much as I did.

Lavender. Don't leave home without it.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Hope at Purple Ranch Lavender Farm

Well since Rolo had his own blog at Purple Ranch Lavender Farm, I thought you might enjoy seeing his sister Hope. She just loves Mom's dog Bonnie. The only problem is Bonnie doesn't want anything to do with her. Hope is at least three times bigger than Bonnie and she just runs up and licks Bonnie in the face which she hates, so she growls and snarls at Hope. Hope just wags her tail more and rolls over on her back with her feet in the air.

I honestly think Hope thinks Bonnie loves her as she keeps coming back for more.

But it is kind of hard not to love this face.

Lavender! It's the Real Thing.

Rolo at Purple Ranch Lavender Farm

Well, I'm back from another fun weekend at Purple Ranch Lavender Farm. As you can see Rolo was in his usual happy mood. When I make trips out to the farm I am always surrounded by dogs and puppies. The only problem with that is that my dog doesn't like any other dog getting my attention. He will tear up something of mine if he sniff's my pantsleg and can smell another dog.

But, anyone who is a dog lover could not resist this face.

Originally uploaded by Purple Ranch Lavender Farm

Lavender. Don't leave home without it!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Purple Ranch German Fest

Well, Purple Ranch Hands are on the move again. We just returned from a 5 hour trip aboard the Hand Express. Kind of sounds like Gilligan's Island, without the island.

Our destination was Tomball, Texas and the German Festival. We made it to Tomball from Dallas around 12:00 noon. We had 4 hours to set up and boy did we need every minute of that time.

We have a new "Purple Ranch" tent that came without instructions. We had about 400 bungee cords in two colors, 8 metal poles, 5 sections of tarp (some with roof peaks and some without) and 4 corner pipes for the roof. It was 70 degrees with high humidity and all this had to be done in 4 hours. If you learn anything about working in conditions such as these, you find out how much patience and perseverence you have and to pray a lot.

I have learned through the many experiences with working with my family, that we are like ants in a sense. Each one of us picks something to do and then we go about getting it done. Or as the comedian says "Gitter Dun." We had the tent up, displays and tables arranged, signs hung and products displayed by 5:00pm.

You also learn to roll with the punches. If Jan hadn't been there we wouldn't have realized that we were supposed to be open that night from 6:00pm to 10:00pm. We were back at our booth by 6:00pm to open.

Our weekend was a huge success. We met a lot of great people who were truly interested in Purple Ranch and the many lavender products we sell. We had several invitations to attend some other upcoming events, including Tomball Nights in August and the 10th Annual Ladies Night Out to be held at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott on May 7th. It looks like we will be making another "Lavender Road Trip."

Have Lavender, Will Travel.
Lavender, Don't Leave Home Without It
Lavender, Take Me Away

By the way, my brother Cliff thinks I should only have one tag line but I like to keep it interesting and use several.